Reference (Title links to Abstract) |
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BibTeX Entry |
Fleming, K. A., R. A. Peters II, and B. Bodenheimer,
``Image Mapping and Visual Attention on a Sensory Ego-Sphere '',
Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Systems (IROS), pp.241-246, Beijing, China, October 2006.
1M |
de Juan, C. N., and B. Bodenheimer,
``Re-using Traditional Animation: Methods for Semi-Automatic Segmentation and Inbetweening'',
SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation., pp. 223--232, Vienna, Austria, September 2006.
Accompanying video (MPEG4, 10.4MB).
6.2M |
Seward, A. E., D. H. Ashmead, and B. Bodenheimer,
``Discrimination and Estimation of Time-to-Contact for Approaching Traffic Using a Desktop Environment'',
Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization, pp. 29-32, Boston, MA, July 2006.
Accompanying video (6.1MB).
2.1M |
Williams, B., G. Narasimham, T. McNamara, T. Carr, J. Rieser, and B. Bodenheimer,
``Updating Orientation in Large Virtual Environments Using Scaled Translational Gain'',
Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization, pp. 21-28, Boston, MA, July 2006.
Accompanying video (MPEG4, 10.8MB).
1.8M |
Williams, B., G. Narasimham, C. Westerman, J. Rieser, and B. Bodenheimer,
``Functional Similarities in Spatial Representations Between Real and Virtual Environments'',
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 2006, to appear.
1.7M |
Jenkins, O. C., B. Bodenheimer, and R. A. Peters II,
``Manipulation Manifolds: Explorations in Uncovering Manifolds in Sensory-motor Spaces'',
Fifth International Conference on Development and Learning, Bloomington, IN, June 2006.
2.7M |
Campbell, C. L., R. A. Peters II, R. E. Bodenheimer, W. J. Bluethmann, E. Huber, and R. O. Ambrose,
``Superpositioning of Behaviors Learned Through Teleoperation'',
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 22(1), pp. 79-91, February 2006.
1M |
Mohan, A., J. Tumblin, B. Bodenheimer, C. Grimm, and R. Bailey,
``Table-top Computed Lighting for Practical Digital Photography'',
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, pp. 165-172, Konstanz, Germany, June 2005.
Accompanying video (DivX, 4.7MB).
8.5M |
Williams, B., A. Crecelius, S. Cornett, R. Caprioli, B.
Dawant, and B. Bodenheimer, ``Baseline
Correction of MALDI Mass
Spectrometry Imaging,'' Proceedings of the 43rd ACM SE
Regional Conference., v. 1, pp. 137-142, March 2005.
1.2M |
Seward, A. E., and B. Bodenheimer, ``Using
Nonlinear Dimensionality
Reduction in 3D Figure Animation,'' Proceedings of the 43rd ACM
SE Regional Conference, v. 2, pp. 388-392, March 2005.
110K |
Kriete, T., M. House, B. Bodenheimer, and D. C. Noelle,
tool for producing presentation-quality animations of graphical cognitive
model dynamics.'' Behavior Research Methods
37(2), pp. 335-339, 2005.
246K |
Crecelius, A., D. S. Cornett, R. M. Caprioli, B. Williams, B. Dawant, and B.
Bodenheimer, ``Three-Dimensional Visualization of
Expression in Mouse Brain Structures
Using Imaging Mass Spectrometry,'' J. Am. Soc. Mass. Spectrom.,
v. 16, pp. 1093-1099,
June 2005. DOI:10.1016/j.jasms.2005.02.026.
885K |
Chen, Z., J. F. Barnes, and B. Bodenheimer
``Hybrid and Forward Error Correction Transmission Techniques for
Unreliable Transport of 3D Geometry,'' Multimedia Systems
Journal, 10(3), pp. 230-244, March 2005.
4.4M |
19.8M (4.4MB) |
Xie, M., M. Tomlinson, and B. Bodenheimer,
``Interface Design for a Modern
Software Ticketing System,'' Proceedings of the ACM Southeast
Conference (ACMSE04), pp. 122-127, Huntsville, AL, April 2004.
403K |
Viswanath, K., R. Balachandran, M. R. Kramer, and B. Bodenheimer,
``Interface Design Issues for Teachable Agent
Systems,'' Proceedings of
ED-MEDIA 2004, pp. 4197-4204, Lugano, Switzerland, June 2004.
215K |
Christina de Juan, Bobby Bodenheimer,
``Cartoon Textures,'' 2004 ACM
SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation. pp.
267-276, Grenoble, France, August 2004. Accompanying video (18MB).
21M |
Wang, J., and B. Bodenheimer,
``Computing the Duration of Motion Transitions: An Empirical Approach'',
2004 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, pp. 337-346, Grenoble, France, August 2004. Accompanying video (20MB).
1.9M |
(240K) |
S. Shankar, L. Su, Y. Jin, J.A. Adams, and B. Bodenheimer,
the Usability of Enhanced RoboFlag Interfaces,'' Proceedings of the 2004
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, v. 3, pp. 2815-2820,
Oct. 2004.
152K |
S. Shankar, Y. Jin, J.A. Adams, and B. Bodenheimer,
RoboFlag Users' Situational Awareness,'' Proceedings of the
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48th Annual Meeting, pp. 356-860, New Orleans, Sept. 2004.
125K |
Kriete, T., M. House, B. Bodenheimer, and Noelle, D. C.,
A tool for producing presentation-quality animations of graphical
cognitive model dynamics. 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for
Computers in Psychology Program, p. 28, Minneapolis, 2004.
527K |
Kawamura, K., R. A. Peters II, R. E. Bodenheimer, N.
Sarkar, J. Park, C. A. Clifton, A. W. Spratley, and K.
Hambuchen, ``Distributed Cognitive Control System
for a Humanoid Robot,''
International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 1(1), pp. 65-94, March
3.9M |
Bodenheimer, R. E., M. E. Edgerton, M. S. Ross, B. Dawant,
``Registration and Alignment of Histopathological Images'',
Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (Proceedings of APIII '02),
v. 127, no. 7 (abstract available only).
73K |
Chen, Z., B. Bodenheimer, J. F. Barnes
``Extending Progressive Meshes for Use over Unreliable Networks'',
2003 IEEE Conference on Multimedia and Expo,, v. 3, pp. 253-256, Baltimore,
MD, July 2003.
429K |
(2.5M) |
Deng, G., Z. Ding, B. Bodenheimer, and S. Schach,
``Understanding Software Coupling through Visualization'',
2003 ACM Midsoutheast Regional Conf.,, pp. 26, Gatlinburg, TN, Nov. 2003.
Wang, J., and B. Bodenheimer,
``An Evaluation of a Cost Metric for Selecting Transitions between Motion Segments'',
2003 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, pp. 232-238, San Diego, CA, July 2003. Accompanying video (31MB).
850K |
(330K) |
Crecelius, A., D. S. Cornett, B. Williams, B. Bodenheimer, B. Dawant, R. M. Caprioli,
``Developing 3-D Imaging Mass Spectrometry'',
Proceedings of the 51st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics,
Montreal, Canada, June 2003.
Poster is here. Abstract available.
161K |
Chen, Z., B. Bodenheimer, J. F. Barnes,
``Robust Transmission of 3D Geometry Over Lossy Networks'',
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, pp. 161-173,
St. Malo, France, March 2003.
4.4M |
(1.7M) |
Convery, T., B. Nuttall, B. Bodenheimer,
``Web-based Courseware Application Usability'',
Proceedings of the ACM Southeast Conference (ACMSE03), pp. 399-404,
Savannah, GA, March 2003.
1.6M |
(126K) |
Viswanath, K., R. Balachandran, J. Davis, B. Bodenheimer
``Effective User Interface Design for Teachable Agent Systems'',
Proceedings of the ACM Southeast Conference (ACMSE03), pp. 138-144,
Savannah, GA, March 2003.
2.7M |
Olivares, R., C. Zhou, J. Adams, and B. Bodenheimer,
``Interface Evaluation for Mobile Robot Teleoperation'',
Proceedings of the ACM Southeast Conference (ACMSE03), pp. 112-118,
Savannah, GA, March 2003.
486K |
Davis, J., K. Leelawong, K. Belynne, B. Bodenheimer, G. Biswas, N. Vye, J. Bransford,
``Intelligent User Interface Design for Teachable Agent Systems'',
2003 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces,
pp. 26-34, Miami, FL, January 2003.
444K |
O'Brien, J. F, Bodenheimer, B., Brostow, G., and Hodgins, J.,
``Automatic Joint Parameter Estimation from Magnetic Motion Capture Data'',
Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2000, Montreal,
Canada, pp. 53-60, May 2000. Accompanying video (48MB). |
1.5M |
(1.6M) |
Bodenheimer, B., Shleyfman, A., and Hodgins, J.,
``The Effects of Noise on the Perception of Animated Human Running'',
Computer Animation and Simulation '99, Eurographics
Animation Workshop, Sept. 1999, N. Magnenat-Thalmann and D. Thalmann, eds.,
Springer-Verlag, Wien, pp. 53-63. |
1.4M |
(1.7M) |
Hodgins, J. K., O'Brien, J. F., and Bodenheimer, R. E.,
``Computer Animation'',
in the Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Enginering, John G. Webster, ed., v. 3, pp. 686-690, 1999. |
2.5M |
(2.6M) |
Bendotti, P., and Bodenheimer, B.,
``Linear Parameter-varying Versus Linear Time-invariant Control Design for a Pressurized Water Reactor'',
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , v. 9, no. 13, Nov. 1999, pp. 969-995 |
478K |
(151K) |
Rose, C., Cohen, M., and Bodenheimer, B.,
``Verbs and Adverbs: Multidimensional Motion Interpolation'',
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, v. 18, no. 5,
Sept. 1998, pp. 32-40. Accompanying video (DivX, 100MB). |
1.68MB |
(2.7M) |
Bodenheimer, B., Rose, C., Rosenthal, S., and Pella, J.,
``The Process of Motion Capture: Dealing with the Data'',
Computer Animation and Simulation '97, Eurographics
Animation Workshop, Sept. 1997, D. Thalmann and M. van de Panne, eds.,
Springer-Verlag, Wien, pp. 3-18. Accompanying video (DivX, 49MB). |
441K |
(706K) |
Rose, C., Guenter, B., Bodenheimer, B., and Cohen, M.,
``Efficient Generation of Motion Transitions Using Spacetime Constraints'',
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 96,
Aug. 1996, pp. 147-154. Accompanying video (DivX, 66MB). |
414K |
(195K) |
Bodenheimer, B., Bendotti, P., and Kantner, M.,
``Linear Parameter-Varying Control of a Ducted Fan Engine'',
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,
Nov. 1996, v. 6, nos. 9/10,pp. 1023-1044 |
414K |
(195K) |
Bodenheimer, B.,
and P. Bendotti, Optimal Linear-Parameter Varying Control of a
Pressurized Water Reactor,
Proc. of 34th Conf. on Decision and Control,
pp. 182-187, December 1995.
513K |
Beck, C., B. Bodenheimer, and
P. Bendotti, LMI-based Model Reduction for a Vectored-Thrust Ducted
Fan Experiment,
Proc. of 34th Conf. on Decision and Control,
pp. 871-875, December 1995.
220K |
Kantner, M., B. Bodenheimer, P. Bendotti, and R. M. Murray,
``An Experimental Comparison of Controllers for a Vectored Thrust,
Ducted Fan Engine'',
Proc. of the American Control Conference, v. 3, pp. 1956-1961,
Seattle, WA, July 1995.
706K |
Bendotti, P., and B. Bodenheimer,
Identification and Hinf Control for a Pressurized Water Reactor,
Proc. of the 33rd Conf. on Decision and Control, pp. 1072-1077,
December 1994.
421K |
Zhou, K., K. Glover, B. Bodenheimer, and J. Doyle,
Mixed H_2 and Hinf Performance Objectives I: Robust Performance
Analysis, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, pp. 1564-1574, V. 39,
No. 8, August 1994.
792K |
Doyle, J., K. Zhou, K. Glover, and
B. Bodenheimer,
Mixed H2 and Hinf Performance Objectives
II: Optimal Control, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, pp. 1575-1587, V. 39,
No. 8, August 1994.
893K |
Hrovat, D., and B. Bodenheimer, Robust
Automotive Idle Speed Control Design Based on -synthesis,
Proc. of the American Control Conference, pp. 1778-1783, June
Bodenheimer, B., TeX, LaTeX, etc.: questions et rŽeponses ,
Cahiers Gutenberg, pp. 55-77, No. 13, June 1992.
Zhou, K., J. C. Doyle, and B. Bodenheimer,
Mixed H2 and H1 control,
Proc. of the American Control Conference, 1990.
J. C. Doyle,
K. Zhou, and B. Bodenheimer, Optimal Control with Mixed H2 and H1
Performance Objectives, Proc. of the American Control Conference,
pp. 2065-2070, 1989.
Birdwell, J. D., J. R. B. Cockett, R. E. Bodenheimer, Jr., and
G. Chang, Cascade Final Report Vol. II: The Cascade Tools and
Knowledge Base, Final Report submitted to Oak Ridge National
Laboratory for work performed under subcontract 41B-07685C project
authorization S13, April, 1988.
Birdwell, J. D., R. E. Bodenheimer, Jr., and A. J. Laub, Cascade Final
Report Vol. III: The Cascade Library User's Guide, Final Report
submitted to Oak Ridge National Laboratory for work performed under
subcontract 41B-07685C project authorization S13, April, 1988.
Bodenheimer, Robert E. Jr., and William J. Toth, Integral and
Differential Linearity Errors in the Synthesis of Electronic Music,
Proc. of the 1986 IEEE Southeastcon, pp. 260-264, March, 1986.